We Hunt By Night: Expanded Edition - The London Excursion


Welcome to London, Contractors. The Board has authorised the following changes to the Rulebook, now designated Iteration ‘EE v1.0’. This Iteration is a major overhaul to all game systems.

Iteration v1.2: The London Excursion

  • The Big One: After thorough playtesting by our Applied Sciences Division and a frankly disgusting number of bell curves, We Hunt By Night is now a d6-based system. The Board apologizes for any inconvenience caused to lovers of that fundamentally unserious implement, the ‘d10’.
  • On a Triumph (now a 6), the dice ‘explodes’, adding 1 success to the total pool and allowing the player to roll again. Complications have been removed, and rolling a 1 no longer removes a success from the total pool.
  • A new starter setting for We Hunt By Night, ‘London After Midnight’ has been added.
  • Starting attributes are now determined by rolling 3d6; rerolling on a 6.
  • Attributes are now hard-capped at 5.
  • Starting Skill Points are now set at 8+1d6.
  • The 3 point cap on Skills at character creation has been removed.
  • It is now clarified that a maximum of 5 points can be invested in any single skill.
  • In an effort to cut down on the number of modifiers to dice rolls, Psyche no longer changes the difficulty threshold for rolls. It instead adds/removes dice to the associated dice pools, as Hunger used to.
  • As a result of this, Hunger no longer adds additional dice to pools.
  • Achieving a milestone no longer allows you to spend 1 point to increase an Attribute. Milestones are now exclusively used to raise Skills.
  • To mitigate this, Changes have been added. When a Paranormal reaches max Hunger, they may remove all their Hunger by accepting a Change. Changes grant 1 additional Attribute point (including above the maximum of 5), but Permanently reduce your maximum Psyche by 1.
  • History and Passion have been combined into a ‘Tether.’
  • Mementos have been added, allowing Paranormals to restore 1 Psyche once per session by using an item related to their Tether as part of a dice roll.
  • Connections are now no longer formed at referee’s discretion. If an NPC is responsible for a Paranormal achieving a Milestone, they are added as a Connection.
  • Connections now restore Psyche at the end of a scene with that Connection.
  • Haunts, safehouses for Paranormals, have been added. A Haunt is made when a location is marked by a Paranormal. Resting in a Haunt restores 1 Psyche per night.
  • Burn pools have been added to mitigate the additional Psyche gain potentially pushing Paranormals well over their maximum Psyche. For every Psyche point over their Psyche bounds, a Paranormal gains a burn point that may be used to re-roll one failed dice.
  • Faction blurbs have been rewritten and expanded for additional clarity and exposition.
  • Two New Membership Perks have been added to all Factions.
  • Due to The Institute’s adoption of Machine-Learning Support Programs, ‘Operational Support’ Perk no longer uses the Connection system, and now flatly restores 2 Psyche per successful Hunt. In unrelated news, the Board wishes the Handler Division the best in their future endeavours.
  • ‘Dead Drops’ Perk now restores a 1 Psyche every time a Paranormal feeds.
  • ‘Pack Mentality’ Perk no longer works in conjunction with the Connections system, and instead restores 1 Psyche for every pack member who made it back from a Hunt intact.
  • ‘Bulwark of the Conclave’ Perk is now known by its true name ‘Bulwark of the She-Wolf’, per our revelations on the source of the Conclave’s powers. It now grants 2 additional Body dice on defense rolls.
  • Hunts. We Hunt By Night finally has rules for hunting, by night. Generate missions for Paranormals with this new oracle system.
  • New Rules for the Delvers, cursebound Paranormals who make pacts with demonic patrons in order to explore the Below.
  • Patrons, mentors from the Below who may be summoned to assist with tasks in the material world.

The Board looks forward to working with you further in the future.



We Hunt By Night - Expanded Edition.pdf 2.3 MB
Jul 31, 2023
We Hunt By Night - Plain Background Character Sheet 36 kB
Jul 31, 2023

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